The show, titled "The Left vs. The Right," will air on WABC-AM and debut at 2 p.m. local time on Saturday.
What are the details?
Weiner, 57, told the New York Post's Page Six that just because he's working the radio show doesn't mean he's "going back into public life."
"I am doing a radio show with a friend of mine,” he told the outlet. "It's not a conscious decision. I have a face for radio, but I don't know if I have a place in radio as a career. Sometimes it is what it is."
Sliwa, 67, told the outlet that he believes Weiner being on the radio can help him "become a role model for other people who have had major issues in their life."
Page Six reported that the new show will focus on issues that impact New York City and will "give equal time to the conservative and liberal perspectives."